Generic Query

Glimesh API Requests #

This is a basic tutorial for communicating with the Glimesh API. This guide assumes you have a client ID or an access token from a user. Having basic GraphQL knowledge would also be helpful.

New to GraphQL? This tutorial explains the basics.

Authentication #

All requests made to Glimesh must contain the proper authentication. The authentication value should be included as a header of the request. This value will change depending on the authentication type. For access tokens use:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Replace YOUR_TOKEN with your access token. If you are using a client ID to authenticate you must use this instead:

Authorization: Client-ID YOUR_CLIENT_ID

Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID with your ID. This will allow you access to the API.

A client ID can use the API in read only mode. An access token is limited by its scopes.

Building Our Request #

The Glimesh API uses GraphQL. You must structure your query accordingly. Some data requires an access token with a special scope. For this example we will structure a basic request that requires no special scope. The query must be included in the body of the request.

query {
  user(username: "USERNAME") {

Make sure to change “USERNAME” to a user on Glimesh. We are requesting the username and ID of the user. Now that we have our authentication and our query we can request the data. Send a POST request with our query and header from above to:

Glimesh will send a JSON formatted response when it receives our request.

  "data": {
    "user": {
      "id": "154",
      "username": "Mytho"

You can parse the response to get the data you want. You could test every query like this but there is an easier way.

API Explorer #

You can use an API explorer to make queries without the need of a dev environment. API explorers let you run queries with intellisense and some even handle authentication for you.

We have a dedicated tutorial on using the Insomnia GraphQL editor here. We also provide a collection of common requests which can be found in that tutorial.

If you have any questions feel free to talk to us in Discord.

Common Errors #

There are a few errors you may encounter while querying the API.

Error: 401 Unauthorized. You must be logged in to access the API.

This is an authentication issue. Check your authentication header. You need to use the right type of authentication and make sure that the information is valid.

  • Internal Server Error

This is usually user error rather than a server error. Ensure the auth info is correct and check your query for errors. If you think your query is correct try it here.

  • syntax error before: \"\\\"QUERY\\\"\""

Your query is in the incorrect format. It must match the GraphQL specifications. You can only request properties that exist and you must have the proper permissions to access them. Check the API docs for more information.

Stuck with something? Talk to us in Discord. We would be happy to help you!