Update Stream Info

Update Stream Info #

Using the new stream_info scope we can modify the title of a stream using the Glimesh API. While this scope currently contains 1 mutation, it will be expanded to cover the rest of the stream info fields.

Before beginning this tutorial you should have a working dev environment and understand the basics of the API.

Getting Permission #

This mutation requires the stream_info scope. Any OAuth flow that uses an access token is valid for this query. Simply add the scope to the request:


If you don’t understand the above explanation take a look at Auth Explained. You will need to choose a method of authentication that uses an access token. Set up the request and add the scope. Contact us on Discord if you need help!

Making the Mutation #

Each action requires a slightly different mutation. Currently title is the only supported parameter. All mutations require the channel ID to target.

Updating the Title #

You can request any channel info from the mutation. Here we request the updated title and the channel ID. Make the below query

mutation {
	updateStreamInfo(channelId: 6, title: "Updated from the API, wow, much amaze!") {

Note that you cannot make a title longer than 255 characters. Additionally, entering a blank or invalid string will reset the title to its default state (Live Stream!).